Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Wednesday, August 13, 2008

6:30 AM
at Khal Bais Yitzchak, 2016 Avenue L (between Ocean Ave. and E. 21st Street)
Brooklyn, NY
Followed by Halacha Shiur on Tu B’Av


Anonymous said...

whoever helps to encorage the masses has a zechus forever !

Anonymous said...

the best way to start a day ! Thank You Rav

Anonymous said...

My body wake up at 9 but my soul at shahrit with you.

Unknown said...

The Breishis Rabba asks: How are Bnai Yisroel like a dove? when the other birds are tired they rest on a branch. The dove, however, will rest on one of her wings and fly with the other.

Unknown said...

Is there any particular Segula that is connected to Tu Bav in terms of Shidduchim or going out?

Unknown said...

In connection Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser quoted on the Talmud: That on Tu B' Av the daughters of Tzion would go out dressed in borrowed white dresses so as not to embarrass those who didn't have. The potential bridegrooms were told "Lift up your eyes and chose a mate". Rabbi Goldwasser commented that a possible interpretation of "lift up your eyes" can mean: lift your sights higher,and aspire for great spirituality.

Anonymous said...

there is so many ignorants, they should come and listen, or buy one of your books or tape and learn. How could we encourage them ?

Anonymous said...

The Navi says (Yeshaya 40)"Nachamu Nachamu Ki Nirtzach Avono" The loss of the BHMK has resulted in the successful transformation of our aveiros into ratzon.(conciliation)

Unknown said...

if one did not say Kiddush Levanah yet by friday night, may one say it on Shabbos?

Unknown said...

"Nachamu Nachamu Ami"--Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch says Nachem is also a lashon of change like when Hash-m said by the Mabul Nachamti--Kavyachol that Hash-m changed His mind as it were. By reading the Haftoras of Nechama and hearing others speaking to us, we change from the disheartened state that we have been in, to a happier state of being.

Unknown said...

"Nachamu Nachamu Ami Yomer Elokechem"-- Hash-m Says there needs to be a double nechama, one for me and one for Klal Yisroel. Its a rather comforting thought to remember that HKBH goes into GAlus with us and the Shechina cries with Bnai Yisroel.

Anonymous said...

We learn in Gemara Taanis that there were never such Yomim Tovim as Chamisha Asar B'Av and Yom Hakippurim and the Bnos Yisroel would go out dressed in borrowed white clothing.

R' Shmuel Slonim comments that this alludes to the days of great Teshuvah, when we are granted forgiveness for our sins--that they last from Tu B'Av to Yom Kippur.
Whoever can inspire to do Teshuva, how good it is. Even if a person cannot inspire himself, only through Koach of the inheritence of his forefathers who were righteous, that is also good. A person who does not possess the self-inspiration to do Teshuva nor does he have the Yerusha, he should at least borrow from his rebbeim and from friends to be inspired during these holy days.

Unknown said...

On Tisha B'Av we say "Eicha Yashva Vedod--how is it that Tzion dwells alone? Ha'ir Rabosi Am--the city that was so filled with people?

The great Tzaddik R' Levy Yitzchok of Berditchev says in the future we will read the same Eicha but with a different intonation. "Eicha Yashva Vedod-- how was this city once desolate? Ha'ir Rabosi Am-- look at its hundreds and thousands of people!