7:00 PM
Shemiras HaLashon Shiur, Second Perek
at Khal Bais Yitzchak, 2016 Avenue L (between Ocean Ave. and E. 21st Street)
Brooklyn, NY
Monday, August 18, 2008
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The Shevet Mussar (ch.17) teaches us a few ways we can achieve humility:
Speaking gently- Always be in control of your emotions and speak in agentle tone of voice regardless of who you speak to.
Accepting praise- When one is undervingly praise, be quick to disagree. and when justifyiably praised and honored, one should be abashed; because there's always so much left for all of us to accomplish.
Avoiding revenge- when one has the midda of humility, he does not take revenge. A humble person is slow to anger and offend and can slowly with time, erase the insult from his memory.
Acceptance- A humble person can accept Tzaros with continuous love for HKBH.
A humble person is Zocheh for special HAshgacha Pratis, as Dovid Hamelech said: "He leads the humble with justice and will teach the humble His way." -Tehilim-25:9
Sefer HaMiddos tells us: As soon as the world begin to devoloe a humble trait in all its people, then we can all expect the coming of Moshiach!(Sanhedrin 98a)
Menoras HaMeor adds that the most humble men that lived, will be honored as heroes in the times of Moshiach- "When Hash-m shows favor to His nation, He will glorify the humble at the time of Salvation"- Tehilim (149:4)
Not everybody can do that. There are people who are traying and achiving, and there are those who can't . They are unhappy becouse of that.
Wow, it's amazing how you do this !
Iggeres Haramban is something that we all have to strive for. it doesn't mean that we are on the level, it means that we should reach for the stars.
We learn in Iggeres Haramban that, "On the heels of humility comes the fear of G-D.(Mishlei, 22-4) Through humility, the fear of G-D will intensify in your heart."
Rav Yosef Leib Bloch, the telshe Rav, explains that the way we can acquire such humility is if we look at what we compare ourselves to. For example, if a man who is 6'4 and he stands next to a man who is 5'8, surely the taller man will feel mightier. But if he compares his height to the sun 93,000 miles away, he will feel less than inferior.
well, definetely we have to wach our loshon, and be ready to addres everybody in nice way
it is not so easy to acquire humility is their a different mida to try first ?
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