Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Thursday, August 14, 2008

9:00 PM
at Khal Bais Yitzchak, 2016 Avenue L (between Ocean Ave. and E. 21st Street)
Brooklyn, NY
Followed by taped lecture on Self-Esteem


Anonymous said...

please could You send a tape ?

Anonymous said...

Help, this is a theme I need to work on. I'll come, hope it will help.

Unknown said...

The Rambam teaches in Hilchos De'os that a person should avoid having extreme personality traits. (be strong yet flexible, compassionate yet firm.) However, anger should be avoided as much as possible. It should be the only trait that should be avoided altogether.

computer technition said...

We learn in the Iggeres HaRamban that "anger is a most serious character flaw and causes a person to sin".
When someone is consumed in their rage and and constantly loses their temper, nothing can restrain them. They are easily pulled toward Tum'ah and their Yetzer will take over. Anger severs the relationship with HKBH, and wont stop to think before committing a sin. The Talmud (shabbos 105b) tells us that "the man who loses himself to anger is considered to have worshipped idols!"

Anonymous said...

Sefer Chareidim (teshuva,ch.4) writes that a Neshama, a Tzelem Elokim, CANNOT tolerate anger. When a person is enraged, and allows their emotions get the best of them, then in a sense the Neshama leaves the body, leaving only an empty whole.

Anonymous said...

topic so needed, it shoul be repeated over and over again.

Anonymous said...

it migh be easy to say, but if you grew up miserable you are lacking self eseem forever

Anonymous said...

misfortune is my shadow, where to find cuorage, you need mispoha to encourage you. In my case I am alone.

Anonymous said...

Always have Emuna, even if a person asks for something a thousand times, never be discouraged. One of the earlier Bellzer Rebbe said," No answer is also an answer". When you get frustrated, it is often because of our own expectations. Dont forget that the Navi says: Hash-m enlightens us,"My thoughts are not your thoughts, and therefore, we do not even have a glimpse into the depth of judgement and Divine Providence in this world.
The great Mussar giants say the famous chazal, "whatever is done in this world by Hash-m, is done for the good."
The Avodas Panim, says that one should be in the habit of saying: "Hash-m if you want it, then I want it. However if You dont want it, I also dont want it."
We have to train ourselves to always be positive and to stregthen our Emuna and Bitachon.