8:00 PM
Shiur in Mesilas Yesharim
Followed by Question-and-Answer period
at Khal Bais Yitzchak, 2016 Avenue L (between Ocean Ave. and E. 21st Street)
Brooklyn, NY
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Welcome to Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser blog on News and Updates
I have been on the same level for the past 10 yrs. I would like to aspire and grow but have no motivation. What should I do?
How does one know how they are capable of spiritually? Is it possible that some people are more Ruchnius than others?
When a Person does an Aveira, do they lose their madreiga completely, or is it just considered to be an infraction?
Since we finished the 12th perek of Mesilas Yesharim, will there be a reviewon the last chapter. I feel that there are so many important ideas, I'm afraid I may forget t hem. Could there be a day in which we review the past shiurim? Please?
Q and A give us potentiality to discover what seams concealed and unclear. Thank You
I think, I miss to much to start from the very beginning
sometimes you do something and inflicte a demage unintentional. How to repare a demage ?
this is g8!!
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