Friday, August 29, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Friday, August 29 2008

Parshas Re’aeh, Candle Lighting: 7:14


Anonymous said...

where is tis tefila found

Anonymous said...

what is the first day l'dovid

Anonymous said...

does one need to make a pruzbol this year ?

Anonymous said...

how are we to know whether to say tachnun on a tzadiks yahrtzeit ?

Anonymous said...

is a calendar available for the new year anywhere ?

Anonymous said...

i very much appreciate this news kol hakavod !

Anonymous said...

is ther a book on the luach available any where ?

Anonymous said...

i am proud to be a torah yid !!!

Unknown said...

There are no sins that are beyond Teshuva. Welearn in Sha'arei Teshuva that even Hir Hurei Teshuva-thoughts of repentence already lift one to a higher level.

Anonymous said...

there are 3 stages of doing Teshuva:
the first is to have just thoughts of Teshuva- regret
the second is to do Teshuva on a simplistic level- out of fera of punishment.
the third and highest level is to do Teshuva is out of love for HAsh-m. By davening wholeheartedly and turning ourselves into a new person, we can all achieve this level.

computer technition said...

the vilna Gaon said that all the pleasures of Olam Haba comes to a person who controls his mouth.

computer technition said...

there are 3 stages of doing Teshuva:
the first is to have just thoughts of Teshuva- regret
the second is to do Teshuva on a simplistic level- out of fera of punishment.
the third and highest level is to do Teshuva is out of love for HAsh-m. By davening wholeheartedly and turning ourselves into a new person, we can all achieve this level.

Anonymous said...

Teshuva is cumulative. For every moment one does teshuva, it is added to a sumtotal to add Kaparos.

Anonymous said...

Teshuva is cumulative. For every moment one does teshuva, it is added to a sumtotal to add Kaparos.

Anonymous said...

Lashon Hara is forbidden to everyone- even to one's relatives, including one's husband or wife.
-Chafetz chaim

Anonymous said...

a person who regularly speaks Lashon Hara is considereda Ba'al Lashon hara.
-Chofetz Chaim

Unknown said...

if someone wants to judge his friend favorably, the Chofetz Chaim says he will always find a way to do it.

Anonymous said...

when will the high holidays begin ?

Anonymous said...

ipraye the most powerful weapon that we have ?

Anonymous said...

good article please do more..

Anonymous said...

when is daylight savings time?

Anonymous said...

thankyou for the advice on the shidduch .

Anonymous said...

we begin Saying Ledovid Hash-m from Rosh Chodesh Elul. The Tefilla can be be found in any Tehillim perek 27 or at the end of Aleinu L'shabe'ach (Shachris or mincha or Maariv).

Anonymous said...

Rosh chodesh elul is Sunday aug 31 and Monday sept 1st

Anonymous said...

the high Holodays- Rosh Hashana Begins on:
MOND -SEPT 29th at Sunset and continues on tues- SEPT 30 and wednesday- OCT 1ST

and Yom Kippur begins on wed. OCT 8at sunset.

Anonymous said...

You and your books have change my life ! Thanks

Anonymous said...

it's grate to have you !