Friday, August 15, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Shabbos, August 16, 2008

5:45 PM
Pirkei Avos Shiur, Chapter 4
at Khal Bais Yitzchak, 2016 Avenue L (between Ocean Ave. and E. 21st Street)
Brooklyn, NY


Anonymous said...

it was vary, very good, thank you RAv

Anonymous said...

so deep tougts, amazing.
I always enjoy reading them, but special zehus is to do it in shul with you.

Anonymous said...

will there be a shabbaton this fall ?

Anonymous said...

Ben Azzai says :"Run to ( perform)
an easy mitzvah, and flee from transgression......
I think we have to run with joy to fulfill the smallest mitzva in the same way as a big one

Anonymous said...

Why for Mitzva the Mishnah state specifically "mitzva kallah " but concerning "aveirah" there is no distinction made ?