Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Monday, August 11, 2008

7:00 PM
Shemiras HaLashon Shiur, Second Perek
at Khal Bais Yitzchak, 2016 Avenue L (between Ocean Ave. and E. 21st Street)
Brooklyn, NY


Unknown said...

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser once taught that,"It is better to die than to shame someone else!"

Unknown said...

Avraham Avivnu was close to HAsh-m because of his midda in Tzedaka.

Unknown said...

When a person gives Tzedaka, it has the power to forgive him for ANYTHING!! Even when a person has many sins, he is forgiven if he gives Tzedaka properly.

computer technition said...

Will Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser be presenting another series on Rav Elchanan Wasserman. Are there tapes available on the earlier classes on this subject?

computer technition said...

There is nothing that Tefilla can't accomplish. We are not presenting HKBH with a list, rather we are communicating and relating, thereby getting our list answered.

Anonymous said...

Tefilla shouldn't feel like a burden. As hard as it is to have kavana and the drive to Daven, nevertheless, we should remind ourselves that ultimately we are davening to Hash-m so that all the Tzaros should no longer exist, and then, all we want to do is just "talk" to Hash-m.

Anonymous said...

Today We all deal with peer pressure on every level; both as adults and children. We have to understand that the choices we make are entirely up to us, but the results involves those around us as well.