Friday, August 22, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Friday, August 22 2008

Parshas Eikev, Candle lighting: 7:25


Anonymous said...

The chofes Chaim said that in Devarim,"cursed is the person thayt strikes his fellow man in secret" this applies to those who say Lashon Hara behind other people's backs.

Unknown said...

One must refrain from speaking Lashon Hara, even is others will call him a fool or hate him!-Chofetz Chaim

Unknown said...

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser said that the world is continuing in its existance because of all the Torah learning that's going on. If the WHOLE WORLD stopped learning Torah for ONE MINUTE, in that split second the whole world would cease to exist. This is becase we are told in Bereishis that the world was created bishvil Reishis- Torah and Bnei Yisroel.

Unknown said...

During the month of Elul one should awaken their Neshama to return and do Teshuva!

Unknown said...

How overwhelming one might find teshuva to be. All the details, fear, regret etc, but we forget that Hash-m gave us this power to do Teshuva on ANYTHING as a gift!! Really we can be forgiven for anything and everything!

Anonymous said...

We learn in Sha'arei Teshuva that one must realize that even Tzaddikim fall sometimes. We learn that there is NO ONE in the world that lives without ever sinning!

Anonymous said...

The second foundation of Teshuva is Azivas HaCheit. Once a person forsakes the sin, he should not return to it, for his Teshuva is considered Batul. A person should forsake his wrongdoing and regret he ever did them.

Anonymous said...

You are putting all the words in the proper way, so we are able to understand everything Thank You

Anonymous said...

thank you to give us such amazing explanation

Anonymous said...

my whole family reads your words, your books and listen morning chizuk.
We appreciate what You do for Klal Yisrael