Monday, September 8, 2008
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Monday- Sept. 8
Ba’al Korie for leining should be careful to point to Parshas Ki-Tzasei and not to the words Ki-Tzaisei in Parshas Shoftim.
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"one who lends money (to the poor) is greater than one who just gives it. And one who forms a partnership is the greatest of all." -Shabbat 63a
Rabbi Eliezer says: Let other people's dignity be as precious to you as your own.-- Perkei avos, 2:15
Rav said, "the mitzvos were given in order to refine human beings." -VaYikrah Rabbi 13:3, Margoliot 2:227
Rabbi Yossi says: "it's not the place that honors the person, but the person that honors the place."- Ta'anis 21b
R' Huna said: "anyone who involved in Torah-study, but does not also perform Deeds of Lovingkindness- that person is like someone without a G-D,--- Avoda Zara 17b
Rabbi Akiva says, "those who attach themselves to Mitzva-doers- eventhough he did not do as much as they did- still recieves a reward similar to theirs" -Avot de Rabbi Natan A:30
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser once said: " We can offer invaluable support and chizuk for all of Klal Yisroel with our effectiveness in three major areas: tefillah, learning, and maasim tovim."
the end of a lie is shame Adnei Kesssef
Bava Basra in 110 sayes We fix the evil on the evil-doer
Leave it to Israel -if they are not prophets, they are children of prophets- that's what is writen in Pesachim 66
It's not easy, staying on Derech Eretz require whole mind and body to work toghether
reading your words we got inclination to be confidential, and will call for a private talk
if you are a generous giver, you will never come to harm (Derech Eretz Zutta 2,4)
we have to be very sensitive picking the words
iappreciate your blogs and I have given them to some of my friends
If we would truely appreciate the blessings in our lives, thank HKBH for the miricles every second of the day, then we can understand what it means to do Teshuva, vidoy and truely feel bad. For an ingrate can never do Teshuva b/c he feels the whole world owes him!!!!!
if we don't keep Mitzvot why do we call ourselfs Jews ?
Human beings often forgot that they are human, thinking just of their own profit and wellfare
The various sounds of the shofar represent the various emotions that run through us when we beseech Hash-m for forgiveness.......
there is a saying which explain how difficult is to strech a hand and ask for help, don't wait, give
Learning it paramount of our duties
we, from our side have to do all possible and beyond, and help will come for sure. Trust !
The Talmud tells that if someone blows a Shofar into a pit and if it blows, its Kosher. If it echos, its not kosher and the person had not fulfilled the Mitzva. This comes to show us that a person must hear a Mitzva from an authentic source and not an imitation like a echo.
Having possibilities to read your blogs make us happy. Dear Rabbi Goldwasser you are an inspiration for my whole family, thank You
Grate stuff Rabbi ! Thank You
what if a person doesnt want to lend because they are afraid they will not get it back ?
nobody can tell the story like You rabi Goldwasser. I enjoy with all my neshama
The word shofar comes from the word 'Shipor' which means to improve. We should be looking for areas to change ourselves and improve ouselves during this crucial time.
What should one be thinking about when the sound of the shofar is heard?
Rabbi You become a synonime for good and trust !
I am proud to be a member of Your shull. Thank You Rabbi Goldwasser
ANSWER TO THOUGHTS DURING SHOFAR BLOWING PART I- a person should be thinking thoughts of TEshuva as we are told by the NAvi....
a person should remember that this inspires the rememberence of Yitzchak's Shofar....
ANSWE TO QUESTION OF SHOFAR BLOWING PART III-- A person should also remember that they are being mekayim a mitzva deoreisa!!
Thank You Rabbi for beeing with us !
Thanks Rabbi, You are doing amazing work !
What is with You where are You ? No news so long ?
does anyone know where I can find articles on chinuch by Rabbi dovid goldwasser?
there is an article "teaching the children" by rabbi dovid goldwasser on a website called:
where can I read more articles on teshuva and tefilla that rabbi dovid goldwasser has written? i really enjoy his style of writting and method of teaching.... its soo down to earth and practical.
I saw a great article by rabbi dovid goldwasser_ if anyone is interested, on
i hope this helps!!!
it is so good to raed such beautiful words.
this is so good, Best wishes for continuing !
grate stuff, thank You
He who seeks renown loses his reputation
Jealousy, lust and glory remove a man from the world
Do not look at the vessel, but what is contained within it
Let all your deeds be for the sake of Heaven
Repent one day before your death
Acquire a friend for yourself
Warm yourself by the fire of the sages
Do not judge your fellowman until you have reached his place
Do not judge your fellowman until you have reached his place
Distance yourself from a bad neighbor
Be among the disciples of Aaron: love peace and pursue peace, love people and bring them closer to the Torah
Do not withdraw yourself from the community
The bashful person cannot learn
The impatient person cannot teach
Be meticulous in reading the Shema and in prayer
Do not make your prayer routine
Pray for the welfare of the government
Make your home a center of hospitality
Who is rich? One who is happy with his situation
Whoever talks excessively brings about sin
There is nothing new under the sun – it has already existed in the ages before us
Everything has its season, and there is a time for everything under the heaven
It is better for man to earn less with tranquility, than to earn much more through difficult labor and aggravation.
Better a dry piece of bread with peace in it, than a house full of contentious celebrations.
There is nothing better for people than to be happy with their lot in life and do what is right in G-d’s eyes while they are yet alive.
The thoughts of the wise turn to the house of mourning, for it inspires one to repent; the thoughts of a fool turn to the house of feasting.
One who loves money will never be satisfied with money
One who loves money will never be satisfied with money
The thoughts of the wise turn to the house of mourning, for it inspires one to repent; the thoughts of a fool turn to the house of feasting.
One who loves money will never be satisfied with money
One who increases possessions increases his worry
One who uses false scales will eventually become impoverished
The merits of the righteous protect the world
The merits of the righteous protect the world
A three-ply cord is not easily severed
Do not be hastily upset, for anger remains in the heart of fools
If one repays good with evil, evil will not depart from his house
A man of understanding speaks sparingly
He who walks with wise people shall become wise; but a companion of fools shall suffer
The wise person has his eyes in his head
The wise inherit honor; fools generate disgrace
Foolish ones scorn wisdom and discipline
A rebuke is more effective for an understanding person than a hundred blows for a fool
The wise of heart will pursue good deeds; the fool will merely talk without acting
Learn diligence and industriousness from the ant
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your heart
One who gives up his rod hates his child, but one who loves his child disciplines him
He who has found a wife has found goodness
He who has found a wife has found goodness
One who is gracious to the destitute honors His Creator
One who gives willingly and without resentment will be blessed, for he enjoys giving of his bread to the poor
Death and life are in the power of the tongue
Let another praise you, not your own mouth
As water reflects a face back to a face, so is one’s heart reflected back to him by another
Charm is false and beauty is vain; a woman who fears Hashem is praiseworthy
A friend’s love is for all times; a brother is there in times of adversity
When doubts are resolved, the eyes are enlightened
The purity of metals can be determined by man; only G-d can examine a person’s heart
Like an ornamental garment on a cold day, so is one who sings songs to a sorrowful heart
Hear, my son, the reprimands of your father, and do not forsake the teachings of your mother
Jealousy causes bones to rot
One who is incarcerated cannot free himself from jail (Berachos 5b)
When a person leaves the synagogue he shouldn't take long strides, but when he is on the way there he should run (Berachos 6b)
Even if a sharp sword lies upon a man's neck, he should not give up his hope for mercy. (Berachos 10a)
In the same manner as one blesses for the good one should bless for the bad. (Berachos 48b)
The experience of sleep is one-sixtieth of death (Berachos 57b)
Just as people's faces are different, so too are there individual differences in their opinions and knowledge (Berachos 58a)
Just as people's faces are different, so too are there individual differences in their opinions and knowledge (Berachos 58a)
Thunder was created to make our hearts tremble (Berachos 59a)
Everything G-d does for us is for the good (Berachos 60b)
If a person wishes to squander away his money, let him hire workers and not stay with them. (Bava Metzia 29b)
Correct yourself first and then correct others (Bava Metzia 107b)
Those who are besieged by anger have no life.(Pesachim 123b)
Forty days before a child’s creation it is decided in Heaven whom he or she shall marry (Sotah 2a)
Regarding any person who has arrogance Hashem says, 'He and I cannot dwell together in the world.'" (Sotah 5a)
G-d pays a person in a measure equal to his mitzvos or his aveiros (Sotah 8b)
A mitzvah protects and saves a person from harm (Sotah 21a)
Milah is so great that it has the same importance as all the mitzvos of the Torah (Nedarim 32a)
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